All About Rats

For some people, thinking about rats conjures images of dirty subways or evokes fear of disease, but rats are actually delightful domestic companions. With regular veterinary care and proper socialization, these fuzzy friends can bring just as much joy and fulfillment into your life as any other more “traditional” pet. Most rats, domestic or wild, are members of the species Rattus norvegicus. Over the course of many years humans have intentionally bred rats who are more friendly and curious to become our furry family members.

Rats are naturally social creatures and so they should be kept in same-sex pairs or groups so that they don’t get lonely being separated from their own kind. Rats don’t just enjoy time with each other, they also form strong bonds with their human parents and love to cuddle with the family. Because of their intelligence, rats can also learn tricks, which can make spending time together a real treat—imagine playing fetch without needing to leave your home!

Like all pets, rats have needs beyond love. So, what are the basics of caring for them? Firstly, be aware of the rat’s internal clock. These animals are nocturnal, with a majority of their activity taking place around dawn and dusk, so you should consider whether or not that will complement your schedule and responsibilities. After all, getting a pet whose internal clock is too radically different from yours can spell trouble for everyone.

Further, while keeping rats is possible whether you have a tiny house, apartment, or mansion, a rat habitat should be as large as possible. In other words: get the largest cage you can afford given that your rat(s) won’t be able to simply squeeze through the bars, or worse, make an attempt and get stuck. Remember to line the cage with shredded paper bedding and don’t neglect to clean the cage frequently. Despite common myth, rats are extremely clean creatures!

As we mentioned above, rats enjoy being social, but they need toys for entertainment too. Give your rats as much variety as possible, from ropes to wheels, from chew toys to climbing surfaces, such as ladders. Providing numerous toys and cage enhancements will keep your rats healthy mentally and physically and will allow them to simply have fun, which we can all use.

Before you go out to start your rat pack, lifespan and health must be discussed. Rats do typically live for two to three years, which could be heartbreaking, and when the time comes it could be difficult for pet parents with children who haven’t yet experienced death. Still, knowing loss will come one day shouldn’t rob us of joy today! What are some health issues rats might experience in their lifetimes and how can you keep them healthier longer? It’s fairly common for rats to be affected by respiratory conditions caused by infection, as well as some other bacterial or viral infections. Regular checkups and seeking treatment if symptoms such as shortness of breath, changes in weight, or changes in coat at any point should keep severe illness at bay, especially if yours rats have a hygienic living environment.

If you feed your rats a balanced diet, which is fairly easy to do with widely-available, specially-formulated pellets, and ensure your rats get exercise then you’ll be right on track. If you’re unsure about the safety of a toy, treat, or cage element such as bedding, always do your research first.

Finally, for any questions about rats and their care, to get your rats vaccinated or examined, or if you need us in the case of an emergency, don’t hesitate to contact NOVA Pets Health Center at (703) 577-2141.